Tricky Turvy Plumes


5200 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


The Performer introduces two plumes and two tubes. He asks a spectator to take one tube and a plume. And the Performer takes the other plume and the tube. Now he says, “Do as I do”.

He pushes the plume inside the tube from top end. The spectator does the same. Now the magician makes the tube up side down. The spectator also does the same. Now the performer allows the plume to come out from the bottom end of the tube, instead of up side down, the plum comes out in right side up position. But the plume in the hand of the spectator comes out in up side down position.

The action is repeated, the tube is interchanged for next turn. But the result is same!

• The revisitation of a classic of comedy magic.
• An effect that amazes, amuses and takes up little space!
• The two tubes are 41.5 cm (16,33") high and have a 2 cm (0,78") diameter.


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