The magician shows the audience an empty rectangular wooden frame with a small hole in each of its sides. He then picks up two yellow silks, and slightly pushes one in the hole on the left side and the other in the hole on the right side of the frame.</div>
Next he inflates a balloon and wedges it into the center of the frame. Now he magically makes a red silk completely disappear. A moment later the balloon pops and to everyone’s surprise the red silk reappears knotted in between the two yellow ones!</div>
• The item measures cm 29,8(11,7”) x 16,8(6,6”) x 4,8(1,8”), and is supplied with the necessary silks, with the special gimmick to make a silk vanish and with 10 balloons.</div>
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Szállítás kb. 2-3 héten belül.
Thumb Tip 20th Century Frame
28000 Ft
Engedélyezett utánrendelésre
Cikkszám: CORNMI Kategóriák: Kendők, kendő bűvészet, Színpadi bűvészet Címkék: bűvészet, bűvésztrükk, színpadi, színpadi bűvészet
Tömeg | 604 g |
Méretek | 5,6 × 31,6 × 19,2 cm |
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