EFFECT 1 – The magician shows the audience a deck of cards, and asks a spectator to select one. The card is returned to the deck and the deck is shuffled. The magician then fans the cards and shows that all have gone blank except for the one chosen! Then, he ribon spreads the deck on the table and they are all printed again!
EFFECT 2 – This is a fast and flashy effect! The magician shows the audience a deck of cards, both back and front. He squares it, gives it a cut and immediately fans it again: all the cards will now be blank! He squares it once again, cuts it again and spreads it out on the table: all the faces will be printed once again!
• No roughing fluid.
• A miracle in your hands.
• Resets in seconds and is easy to do!
• The deck of cards can be shown to the audience before and after the effect.
Még nincsenek értékelések.