Limited to 3000 decks!
"We all travel to see, eat, connect and play. Whether you travel alone or with your friends, Stay Playing Cards will always be your perfect companion to create memorable moments for your next journey. Stay travel!
In collaboration with Stay, we introduce you Stay Playing Cards; a travel theme deck that was designed to enlighten the joy of travel."
With over six months in the making, every single design elements was designed from the ground up:
– High quality playing cards printed by the US Playing Card Co. on thin crush stock preferred by cardists and magicians.
– Fully customized pips and faces with a fun modern look. Illustrated by Nick Vlow.
– A clean minimal tuck case design with gold foiled stamp printed by Clove St. Press.
– Custom Jokers.
– The interior features a world map design, printed in metallic gold ink.
• The cards are poker size.
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