Nevermore Playing Cards By Unique


9200 Ft

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"The first deck from Unique Playing Cards is designed by the great Antno Creative, one of the best designers of playing cards!

This deck has a special place in our hearts. We have been working on it for the last 2 years. Thanks to Antno Creative, who designed this beautiful deck, Unique starts his journey featuring the three most important characteristics in our designs: elegancy, exclusiveness, and quality.

Nevermore makes a 180º turn in the visual and thematic production previously developed by Antonio Alcalá-Galiano (antnO). This deck is the result of diving into the designer's deep, intimate and darkest feelings.

The designer's intent and influence on this deck are clear. Behind every line, there is a dark passenger who led him to create Nevermore. The American writer Edgar Allan Poe.

This deck is a nod to the work The Raven, written in 1845 by the master of horror.

AntnOis passionate about mystery and everything that surrounds what the human being is not capable of explaining. We seek to reach an understanding, to be able to discern between what is real and what is generated by our subconscious. This sentiment is reflected on the back of his new deck.

The key characteristics of this deck are the mysterious and detailed shapes that can be seen throughout the whole design. Looking back, you will realize that each unique element is a piece of a more complex whole that connects the designer's thoughts.

The use of dark blue represents the colors of a raven and night, red a velvet divan, white the reflection of the moon and the stars that enter through the window, and gold the warm touch created by a rusty lamp that slowly flickers in the corner of the room.

Some of the general features are:
– Fully personalized faces, back, and box by Antno Creative.
– Legendary finish and Vintage Paper Stock.
– 52 Cards + 2 Jokers.
– Metallic Inks for the cards.
– High detail foil technique for the tuck case.
– Tuck case crafted with matt paper with inner printing.
– Printed by Hanson Chien Production in one of the best Printing Factories worldwide.

Nevermore Playing Cards represents that moment of the battle between reason and madness, between wisdom and the dark or mysterious world, between light and darkness, between life and death.

Antno is a creative mind based in Málaga, Spain. He works as a designer, animator, and advertising creative executive at his own agency. The dedicated execution of his craft made it possible for him to collaborate and work with big brands such as Art of Play, Ellusionist, Bicycle, and Cartamundi.


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