Foo Can – Small


12600 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


This is a utility item with the help of which you can appear or disappear water or any other liquid. Here are some possible effects.

EFFECT 1 – A glass of water is poured into the Foo Can. A comedy funnel is held against an ear of a child. The water from the Foo Can is poured into the child’s other ear. The water comes out from the ear through the funnel.

EFFECT 2 – About half glass of milk is visibly poured into the can. It is in turn poured into a paper cone from where it vanishes.

EFFECT 3 – A glass of water is poured in the can and covered with a post card. The whole thing is then inverted and the post card removed. The water mysteriously remains in the Can. The Can’s mouth is again covered with the card and the former turned right side up. Card is removed and a full Can of water is poured out.

EFFECT 4 – You can also perform a Passe Passe liquid effect by buying two Foo Cans.

• The item is cm 10 (3,93") tall, and its largest diameter is cm 7,2 (without considering the handle).


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