A silver ball is covered with a transparent cloth. Magically it starts lo levitate. Then it misteriously moves around, behind and even in front of the cloth held by the magician.</div>
The audience always loves this beautiful stage effect… and this version is even more incredible as the ball foats not only behind, but even in front of the cloth!</div>
Excellent visual magic!</div>
• Supplied is the cloth and silver ball. The ball has a diameter of cm 7,5 (2,95"), and the cloth measures cm 48 x 48 (18,9" x 18,9").</div>
• The instruction are supplied as a practical video download. They are not spoken and completely visual (there are occasionally just a some simple English subtitles). This makes them very easy to follow regardless of the nationality of the buyer.<br />
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Szállítás 2-3 héten belül.
Astro Sphere Mini
7990 Ft
Engedélyezett utánrendelésre
Cikkszám: ASTR Kategóriák: Berendelhető, Trükkök
Tömeg | 75 g |
Méretek | 9,1 × 9,1 × 11,4 cm |
Csak bejelentkezett és a terméket már megvásárolt felhasználók írhatnak véleményt.
Még nincsenek értékelések.