Everyone knows how to make a card rises from the center of the deck. But each method has a negative point (complicated setup, thick gimmick, handling,…).
With ASCENDIO you will learn how to get this powerful effect but without any of these problems.
You will have to PRACTICE before but this method is the one you will use EVERYDAY.
Look at these points and see how simple the rising card effect could be now:
– Have the gimmick in your deck all the time without any problems to perform other effects.
– No magnet, thread, flap, weight.
– Easy to make (everyone has the needed material at home).
– Completely examinable before and after (the deck can be shuffled by your spectator)
– No card to damage (you can even use Jerry’s Nuggets!)
– Use your favorite deck of playing card.
– INVISIBLE gimmick.
– No sleight of hand.
As said before you will have to PRACTICE before. It is something very easy to use but practice is the key!
Learn 8 variations/ideas using this gimmick + tips inside of a 45 minutes long video (in English).
ASCENDIO first name was OJ GIMMICK.
Még nincsenek értékelések.