The best card magic you can do is where you don’t touch the deck at all. Where the spectator does everything.
With Any Thought of Card to Pocket, they take the deck, they count 10 cards, they think of any one and you can make it vanish from their hands.
When they recount they only have 9. The card they’re thinking of isn’t there… They can see it's no longer there.
It’s in your pocket.
There is no roughing, no magnets and no need to carry 10 outs.
From the time your spectator takes the deck, you don’t need to do anything – and it resets instantly.
Any Thought of Card to Pocket is a one-and-done effect… What do we mean by that?
We mean it’s a trick so powerful, so hands off, so startling, that if you wanted to blow someone away, you could just do this one effect.
But we’re not just going to teach you this. you’ll learn EVERY effect and presentation we came up with from the last year of performing & developing this trick.
– You'll learn the full hands-off gimmicked routine
– You’ll learn a way of doing it with a marked deck.
– You’ll learn a way of doing it with a normal deck.
+ a bonus visual cards across using 2 different colour decks. Where you never touch their cards and you can make one vanish and later reappear in their hands. Without ever touching them.
NOTE: The gimmicks you receive are printed on USPCC Red Bicycle Rider Back stock. You will need to already own or buy a regular Red Bicycle Rider Back deck to do this trick. The gimmicks can be added to that normal deck.
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