El Retro Playing Cards

Szállítás pár héten belül.

4300 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


"Before resort fees and valet service there was a city called Las Vegas that was filled with $1 shrimp cocktails and $5 blackjack hands. This indeed was a time of scantily clad showgirls that entertained guests at each gambling establishment. Ah, yes. It was truly a time of fun out in the desert that many of us (including ourselves) weren't alive to enjoy. But we are forever grateful for the online resources like Wikipedia that allows us to bask in the nostalgia of this time from long ago.
To commemorate all of our time spent learning about this time in Sin City's history we are putting it to good use by releasing a limited edition deck of playing cards that presents a modern take of the decks that were used during those times."

– Only 1400 printed at the USPCC.
– Embossed finish.
– Tuck case is crafted with a lustre blue paper and silver foiling.
– Each deck is individually numbered on the seal.


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