Prediction Notebook


4300 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


Randomly, show all the pages of a notebook. The audience will see that each one shows something different. You can choose between: words, drawings, famous people, destinations, foods, telephone numbers, etc. Then, hand the notebook to a spectator so that he can secretly peek at a single page. Magically, you'll know exactly what he's thinking!

To the audience it may seem like a normal notebook… but it hides one of the most powerful forcing systems in the world!

• It measures only 10 (3,93") x 8 (3,14") x 0.7 (0,27") cm which also makes it convenient for transport.
• This notebook does all the dirty work for you, allowing you to focus on your presentation.
• Simple, practical and deceptive! It's a super clean system for forcing ANYTHING you choose.
• The notebook comes blank (with no writing on the pages) so you can personalize it however you like.
• Allows you to create a multitude of effects, in ANY language. This makes it an essential accessory for any magician and mentalist.


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